
Why are we founding YIMUKA?

Daniel Walk

I have spent my entire career in then international capital equipment industry, thereof 16 years as managing director. 

In the second half of my business life, I’ll start over from scratch. On a trip to Uganda I was able to meet people living in abject poverty whose faith and friendliness made a deep impression on me. As a follower of Jesus, I would like to support and encourage people in Uganda with what I have: my abilities and opportunities, my experience and time.

At Yimuka, we have all three pillars of sustainability in mind: good for people, good for nature, and economically profitable.

So it makes sense to me.

Klaus Maak

I believe that each of us can make a difference in our lives. How much that will be in the end depends on our goals. That’s how I’ve experienced it: both professionally in my 14 years in management in industry and privately as a father of 4 children.

At YIMUKA, we have deliberately set our goals high. I am convinced that together we will achieve them. The basis for this is a deep understanding of our customers, close, respectful cooperation with our partners and excellent processes throughout the entire supply chain.

I look forward to seeing the result.


Daniel Walk


Klaus Maak


John Paul Sentongo

IT Services Coordinator

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