
“I used to see a friend earning money from the sale of honey and beeswax, then I got encouraged to start so that I also get some money.”

My Life as Beekeeper

Who belongs to your family / who is living with you?

We are a family of 4 people. I live with my Auntie and her 2 children.

How has bee keeping changed your life?

I am 20 and dropped out of school early. I have just started, and I have so far harvested once. The money I got encourage me to go on and even earn more money. I have built 14 traditional beehives and the bees colonized in all of them.

How do you provide a good environment for your bees?

I have planted more trees for the shade and provide food for the bees. I fenced the place where I put the beehives so that animals don’t interfere with the bees. The bees are close to a water source since they use a lot of water.

What do trees mean to you and how can they be protected?

They provide us shade, windbreakers, the control soil movement, bees get nectar and pollen, they can be protected by sensitization and promoting conservation.

What is the most important thing in your life?

Having a good house with electricity and water.

What are your biggest challenges and how do you plan to overcome them?

I fear to harvest since sometime back I was stung by the bees as I was trying the Harvest.

So many pests in some hives like the beetles, ants, lizards, and Honey badger. For the pests we try to use ash and used oil to stop them.

What do like to do in your free time?

I love watching movies.

Which place would you like to see once?

I would like to travel to London.

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